North Réunion Intercommunal Tourist Office

Northerners love water

No white sand beaches on the coasts of Saint-Denis, Sainte-Marie and Sainte-Suzanne. You will surely think that the “northerners” are to be pitied… Nope! The inhabitants of Beau Pays like to take the plunge. A multitude of swimming possibilities are available to them.

Intercommunal White Water Stadium

 The territory of La Reunion has an Intercommunal Whitewater Stadium in the town of Sainte-Suzanne  ; it's the only one in the entire Indian Ocean! During the last Olympic Games in Tokyo, 6 of the 12 Olympic medals in Canoe-kayak slalom were won by athletes who came to train there! We look forward to the harvest of the 2024 Olympics…

For Sunday sports enthusiasts, this structure allows you to practice canoeing and rafting in complete safety. The different water flows create a more or less technical course, and everyone, from beginners to challenge enthusiasts, will find something for the modest sum of… €6/pers.

! Be careful, any rafting trip is likely to cause serious fits of laughter! You have been warned!

Another atmosphere at the “ Aquanor ” water park   in Saint-Denis, the “nautical pleasures” destination par excellence for Reunion families. While parents relax on the “bubble bench” or lounge on the jacuzzi seats, the youngest plunge into colorful slides, open or closed, with evocative names: Canyon Slide, Pentagliss and Kamikaz! The laughter of the regulars competes with the cries of the novices.

As for little ones, a fun and secure space is entirely dedicated to them. You can imagine how much mothers also enjoy these delicious moments of well-being and sharing with their newborn, in water heated all year round to 28°.

A restaurant, wellness areas (sauna, hammam), a weight room and group fitness classes complete the Aquanor offering. The free parking is the icing on the cake.

As for the northern hotels, two structures have a remarkable swimming pool. That of the Mercure Créolia, in Montgaillard, often makes an impression with its size and the view it offers all the way to the sea. And the Dina Morgabine swimming pool is the first on the island to be positioned on a “rooftop” (on the roof). Its slender shape responds to the desire to create a swimming lane.

 It would be unfair to forget the numerous municipal swimming pools, two of which have the particularity of being heated in winter! This may make a European smile, but it is certain that no Reunion Islander would swim in the Source swimming pool or in the Duparc swimming pool in July-August, if they were not heated!

 This overview of swimming places would not be complete without mentioning the numerous waterfalls and natural pools that dot the Beau Pays.