North Réunion Intercommunal Tourist Office

Cookie Usage Policy

When you connect to our website, LE BEAU PAYS may install various cookies on your terminal, provided that you have accepted them. To ensure that the personal data we collect and process is transparent to you, this cookie policy explains what a cookie is, what type of cookie is used, for what purpose and how to manage these cookies.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file stored on the hard disk of an Internet user's terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, games console connected to the Internet, etc.) when a website is consulted, an advertisement is displayed, an email is read, software or a mobile application is installed or used, regardless of the type of terminal used. When you connect to a website, a cookie may be sent to your browser by the website you are visiting. Your web browser will store the cookie for a certain period of time and send it back to the web server each time you connect to the site.


Our commitments

LE BEAU PAYS uses the same open source solution used by the CNIL, tarteaucitron.js, to respect your right to withdraw consent. This solution is hosted on our servers and is regularly updated by our services.


Concerned about respecting your privacy, LE BEAU PAYS would like to reassure you that the simple fact of visiting our website (home page or directly on another page of the site using a search engine for example) and continuing or not continuing to browse does not constitute consent and does not lead to the installation of Cookies. As long as you have not given your consent, no Cookies are placed or read on your terminal (with the exception of session Cookies, which do not require your prior consent). Refusal to give your consent does not prevent access to our Website.


The period of validity of consent to the deposit of Cookies is a maximum of 13 months after the first deposit in your terminal. At the end of this period, your consent must be obtained again.


What cookies are used?

Different types of cookies are placed on the website


Cookies that are necessary to enable our site to function.


These cookies enable our website to function optimally. This category of cookies cannot be deactivated on our site by default. These cookies are essential for the use and existence of the website, which requires such reliable data for its activity and operation. You can always refuse them and delete them using your browser settings. Please note, however, that if you wish to deactivate one or more of these cookies, this could have an impact on the display of the pages and the use of the services offered on our website, which could degrade your user experience.


How do you set your browsers to refuse cookies?


In the browser, click on Menu > Settings > Show advanced settings (located at the bottom of the page).

Then click on the Content Settings button, tick the "Block cookies and data from third-party sites" box and click OK to confirm your choice.


In the browser, click on Menu > Options > "Privacy" tab

Set the "Retention rules" menu to "Use personalised settings for history". Finally, uncheck the "Accept third-party cookies" box.

Internet Explorer

In the browser, click Menu > Internet Options > Privacy tab and on the Advanced button to bring up the Advanced Privacy Settings window.

Then tick the "Ignore automatic cookie handling" box, and select "Refuse" in the "Third-party cookies" column.


List of internal cookies necessary for the operation of our website

cookie name

What does it do?

How long is it active?


Safeguarding choices regarding consent/rejection of cookies

12 months


Open a PHP session for the user

Expires when the user exits the browsing session


Server session ID

Expires when the user exits the browsing session


Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are not necessary to take advantage of the resources available on our website. When you visit our website for the first time, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and invites you to indicate your choice. They are only stored if you accept them.

You may, at any time, configure your cookies to accept or reject them and the statistical analysis of your browsing data, by going to the cookie management page at the bottom of each page of the Site. You can indicate your preference either globally for the Site, or service by service.

List of third-party cookies

cookie name

What does it do?

How long is it active?

more informations

Google Analytics / _ga

Records a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how visitors use the site. = audience measurement 14 months (this is the period of validity of statistical data resulting from the use of cookies, for which the maximum retention period recommended by the CNIL is 25 months)

Google Analytics / _gid

Records a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how visitors use the site. = audience measurement 24 Hours

Youtube / GPS

Stores a unique ID on the user's mobile phone for its GPS position 1 hour after logging on to the site


Estimates user bandwidth Immediately deleted after the test

Youtube / YSC

Stores a unique ID to identify the YT videos viewed by the user Expires when the user exits the browsing session

Youtube / remote_sid

Saves user preferences for the YT video player Expires when the user exits the browsing session

Google / / IDE lié à la vidéo YT

Used by Google DoubleClick to record the user's actions after they have seen or clicked on one of the advertiser's ads in order to measure effectiveness and present targeted ads to the user. 90 days

Google / / test_cookie lié à la vidéo YT

Used to check whether the user's browser accepts cookies 1day