North Réunion Intercommunal Tourist Office

Our Lady of Fatima in Beaumont les Hauts

As soon as you arrive in La Réunion, in front of La Réunion Roland Garros airport, your gaze is drawn to this mountain of greenery : Beaumont les Hauts. This is one of the neighborhoods of Sainte-Marie where several flower producers have chosen to settle. The altitude and sunshine lend themselves to this. We invite you to take the “flower route” to reach a little-known but very easily accessible viewpoint, offering a 180° panorama of Le Beau Pays.


From the dual carriageway, take the “Sainte-Marie Centre” exit, then follow the direction of Plaine des Fougères (Departmental Route 62). At the beginning, the rather straight road is framed by fields of sugar cane. You pass the Resource center and the Jesuit Cemetery (To find out more about this cemetery: ). The turns then become tighter and tighter . Be careful, the steep drop would impress the most experienced mountaineer!


The funny pointed yellowish green leaves that you see at ground level are plantations of the famous “Ananas Victoria”, renowned for its perfume. After a good 10 minutes of climbing, you will notice a big white cross. This is the belvedere of Our Lady of Fatima. The side of the road barely accommodates parking for 2 to 3 cars. You finally get out of your vehicle, your heart a little overwhelmed by all these turns, but the panorama that captures you rewards your perseverance. Resting wisely in its alcove, the statue dedicated to Saint Fatima brings a touch of serenity to this original place. The tranquility of the place increases your chances of catching the gliding flight of a papangue in this deep, green landscape.


The hardest part will be to tear yourself away from this contemplation. We advise you to continue your ascent towards the Maison Martin picnic area, a few kilometers above. The most gourmands will choose a stop at the table d'hôtes Le Piton Fougère, ideally located at the terminus of the Route des Fleurs. The more sporty will complete the eponymous hike in 6 hours of walking. If you feel like it, find all the information on this magnificent hike here: