In accordance with the provisions of article 6 III 1° of law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, we hereby inform you that this site is operated by the Intercommunal Tourist Office of Northern Réunion - "Le Beau Pays".
Office de Tourisme Intercommunal du Nord
Head office:
Office de tourisme intercommunal du Nord "Le Beau Pays"
Maison Carrère, 14 rue de Paris, 97400 Saint-Denis
Tel. 0262 41 83 00
N°SIRET: 433188980700076
APE: 7990Z
The purpose of this website is to provide tourist information about the north of Réunion (Saint-Denis, Sainte-Marie and Sainte-Suzanne), to help you organise your stay on the island. Set up by Région Réunion, it has been entrusted to the Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Nord, which is responsible for its operation. It also offers fun workshops and guided tours, and highlights offers and events from tourism service providers and cultural partners.
This site is subject to compliance with the laws and regulations in force in France, particularly with regard to the protection of intellectual property and personal rights.
Website hosting
Photos: E. VIRIN / IRT - Office de tourisme du Nord "Le Beau Pays"
Respect for property rights and trademarks
All elements that you see or read on the site, as well as the site itself, are protected by copyright law. Under no circumstances may you use, distribute, copy, reproduce, modify, alter or transmit the site or elements of the site, such as texts, images or sounds without the prior written authorisation of the Office de Tourisme Intercommunal du Nord.